To develop a valid sense of self. They are encouraged to try, think, act with increasing independence, and be successful
To build physical strength, coordination and motor skills
To develop sound eating, resting, and toileting habits
To establish a foundation for good health, hygiene, and safety habits
To learn to respond to people comfortably and happily
To learn to express ideas and feelings creatively through music, movement, dramatic play, art, and language
To understand and appreciate diverse natural, cultural and social environments
To explore concepts and develop intellectual curiosity
To persevere in the face of difficulty, concentrate and become absorbed
Day Weekly Rates:
$225 per week for 6 weeks to 36 months (full-time)
$200 per week for 36 months – 5 years old (full-time)
$165 (Part-time 20 hours or less)
$125 per week Afterschool
$175 Summer / Holiday School Age Full Day
Nightly Rates: 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm
$245 per week 13 months – 12 Years of Age (full-time)
$165 (Part time 20 hours)
$45 for Night Time Drop In
$35 Late Payment Fee (After 12:00 Pm on Mondays)
$50 Returned Check Fee
Parents will be given a one-week vacation (no fees due) upon one-year enrollment in the program. A one-week notice must be given and the child will not be able to attend during this week.
Payments are to be made by the Procare payment system, money order, or checks only. NON-PAYMENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. There will be a $35.00 late fee if payment is not rendered on the stated Monday and an additional $5.00 each day thereafter never going beyond one week of payment. VOLA does accept CMA payments, but in the event that there is a co-pay difference parents are required to make these payments on said payment schedule dates. If you cannot or do not pay within a two-week period this will constitute a forced termination of your child(ren) from the program. In the event of termination from the program, your child’s placement may be filled by someone else on the waitlist. Re-enrollment may be possible upon prior approval by the program Director only. Parents will be given a one-week vacation (no fees due) upon one-year enrollment in the program. A one-week notice must be given and the child will not be able to attend during this week. VOLA programming begins at 6:30 am. Due to an active schedule and meal preparation count; children cannot be brought in any later than 9:30 am without a doctor’s note to ensure meal counts and completion of the full program scheduling. Constant tardiness will be addressed individually.
6 weeks – 18 months
Add description here
18 – 24 months
24 – 36 months
3 – 4 years old
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